Kingston Springs church of Christ
Spiritual Security - The Certainty of Eternity in Heaven Can Be Yours Today!

Spiritual Security - The Certainty of Eternity in Heaven Can Be Yours Today!

"I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and no one comes to the Father except through Me!" John 14:6

When God created man He had a plan for us. He would be our God, King, and Father and would reign over us. We would live in His kingdom in peace with the rest of His creation. But God gave us free will and we as people chose to transgress His rule.

Because of God’s holy nature, He cannot and will not tolerate sin. Thus He drove mankind from His presence. As a consequence we live in a broken world where death reigns.

But despite God’s anger and disappointment, He still loves us. In his infinite care and wisdom, He provided another plan. As Paul tells us in Ephesians 1:4, “before the foundations of the earth” were laid, God loved us enough to have an alternative plan should man sin.

The plan would give us life and bring us back home to His Kingdom.  We being weak and frail are not able to repair our relationship to Him. So God gave of Himself.  John said in John 3:16, “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son.”  His Son was given on a merciless cross in which His blood was shed to wash away our rebellion and sin. Jesus Christ, Lord and only Son, was a free gift given by a loving merciful God.

So, how can we receive this wonderful grace? First, we must listen to Him. Though our sins led us from Him, we cannot find our way home without his map. Next, we must believe that God is faithful and has our best interests in hand. As the Hebrew writer states in Hebrew 11:6, “He that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a reward of those that seek Him.” Then we must change our thoughts and ways. This is repentance.  Jesus Himself said, “Unless you repent you will all perish as well.” (Luke 13:3) We must also confess Christ both in word and action. Jesus tells us, “Everyone who will acknowledge Me (Christ) before men, I will acknowledge before My Father in Heaven.”  He also states that we should commemorate his death and resurrection, and have our sins washed away by being baptized. (Matthew 28:19-20). Having obeyed our sacrificial Lord, we are then back in the Kingdom of God on our journey home. We must continue to trust God, keeping a repentant heart, and confess Him daily by the life we live until he calls us home.

What a glorious homecoming it will be! (Luke 15:11-24)